Thank You
As you’ve probably noticed, I love to end the work week every fortnight with a blog entry. However, before proceeding with next week’s (extremely timely - check back!) content, I wanted to take a minute.
Immediately after I first signed the contract to publish SUMMER TRIANGLE, I remember speaking about it at warp speed with my husband. The specificities of the agreement. The next step in the process. The new add-ons to my to-do list. I’ll never forget him standing at the foot of our stairs, telling me to “take a moment and take this in.”
So, that’s what I’m doing right now: I’m taking a moment to thank you.
I’ve been so grateful for every stage - even the hiccups - of my publication journey. I’ll never forget what it felt like to see my book’s cover for the first time or discussing my characters at length with my editor. Every aspect of the process has felt like unwrapping a present.
But when I’d envisioned my book finally out in the world - something tangible that could be read on a device or dogeared in hand - what I hadn’t counted on was you. I hadn’t at all expected the tremendous outpouring I received on April 23rd. Every hour of that special day was saturated with promotional support, texts and calls, flowers and Facetiming. I even snuck a glass champagne (or two) with some of my favorite people while my kiddos were sleeping - on a school night, no less.
And now, I’m humbled by your descriptions of how SUMMER TRIANGLE has affected you. It’s been truly moving for me to hear your feedback. I expected people to read this book in the abstract sense, yet I couldn’t have ever anticipated the connections I would forge because of it.
I quoted this A.S. Byatt stunner from POSSESSION on my Instagram feed, but it bears repeating:
“Think of this - that the writer wrote alone, and the reader read alone, and they were alone with each other.”
I wrote this book during a particularly lonely stretch, never expecting it to strengthen my sense of community. This part, too, feels like opening an unexpected gift. I am so grateful for you, and I hope you love the book. Above all else: here’s hoping that it reminds you that you’re not alone.